Learn How to Fly a Helicopter & It Could Slow Your Aging Process

learn_how_to_fly_a_helicopterLearn how to fly a helicopter, live an adventurous lifestyle, and it could dramatically slow your aging process. Ever wonder why some older people get older faster than others despite being the same age? One reason is because some kept their interests renewed and refreshed while the others didn’t. Studies have proven that taking risks, being adventurous, and engaging our minds and our bodies in some type of new adventure increases your overall health and wellness. Let’s look at couple of ways why anyone should develop and live an adventurous lifestyle.

It Gives Us a Fresh Perspective at an Old Routine

If we aren’t shaken from our complacency and our known comfort zones periodically, we become more like walking robot zombies instead of the social creatures that we were designed to be. Each of us was uniquely designed with a natural curiosity that, if it isn’t fed, will wither away like dry flaky skin.

By getting away from your normal routine, even if it is just for a few days, you will come back and be able to more clearly see how to resolve those pesky daily challenges that arise. Challenging yourself to get out of your comfort zone provides new eyes to see your routine in a different light. Human beings are creatures of comfort. Getting out of those comfort zones increases our curiosity. The lack of curiosity withers the soul.

Experiences Create Priceless Memories

Scientists have proven repeatedly that our memories of an adventure, such as learning how to fly a helicopter, actually increases our desire to see and do more. Feeling the g-force of a helicopter tugging your body away from itself while turning at full speed is not something that you can experience through pictures. Not only do we create memories, but we also make friends along the way by being part of asocial and cultural difference of perspective that’s strays from our everyday norms.

Adventurous Ideas to Look and Feel Younger

We have listed only a couple of reasons why you and your family should get out, live an adventurous lifestyle, and have the adventure of a lifetime. Now allow us to list some adventurous activities you can begin today.

  • Learn how to fly a helicopter – There are airfields all over the globe willing to teach you how to fly a helicopter. Learning to fly a helicopter could actually land you a different job prospect.
  • Weekend whitewater rafting trip – A weekend whitewater rafting trip is always a confidence booster. You took on the mighty whitewater and rode it like a true rodeo rider.
  • Explore the caves and canyons – Discovering what lies below the surface is downright awe inspiring and stirs those creative juices. Exploring caves and canyons brings out the survivor in you.

Tackling new challenges and discovering new pathways allows your creativity and imagination soar. Break out of your comfort zone, learn how to fly a helicopter, explore nature, and keep yourself young and energized by making new memories, creating new relationships, and living an adventurous lifestyle.

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